Ford Download Sync Update To Usb Drive

Select all of the items inside the unzipped folder. Drag and drop them onto your USB drive. NOTE: Installing the software update files in your vehicle works only if the SyncMyRide folders and additional file(s). are visible on the USB drive.Don’t combine or delete any of the files. Unsure how to update Ford SYNC®? Follow these steps to install an update: Download software updates from the Ford SYNC website onto a USB drive. Turn your vehicle on and plug in the USB drive. Access the “SYNC-Settings” menu. Select the “Install on SYNC” option. Wait for the installation to finish. 1971 cb750 honda shop manual download microsoft.

  1. Ford Sync 3.1 Update Download
  2. Ford Download Sync Update To Usb Drive
  3. Ford Download Sync Update To Usb Drive Mac
  4. Ford Download Sync Update To Usb Drive Software
Hi -- new Flex owner, first time poster. 2013 Limited Ecoboost, new-to-me former Ford corporate vehicle.
I have been trying to install the new Sync update without success. Not sure if it's software, the car's USB ports or the two particular thumb drives I've tried. Ford Download Sync Update To Usb Drive
Yesterday I tried playing music from thumb drive 1 and got an error message that the device was unreadable. I also found that the USB ports would only charge my BlackBerry intermittently, disconnecting every few seconds.
Today I tried the sync update with another USB drive. The update process began and it was reading the cabs and zips fine, showing 1 through 7 (of 8) downloads starting and finishing. The system then seemed to reboot, followed by a message, 'Problem detected with USB storage device. Please contact Sync support or try to download the update again. Remove the USB storage device to cancel this update.'
I tried again on the car's other USB port with the same result.

Ford Sync 3.1 Update Download

Can anyone offer me any tips?

USB update summary

Ford Download Sync Update To Usb Drive

A flash drive with a capacity of 4 GB or more is required.

Your VIN is needed to obtain the update for your vehicle.

The vehicle can still be driven during the install, but the SYNC system may reboot for 60-90 seconds.

The update will take about 30-35 minutes to complete.
Open detailed instructions

Ford Download Sync Update To Usb Drive Mac

Part 1: Prepare update

  1. Make sure your USB drive is formatted to exFat.
  2. Download the update to your computer and save it to an easily accessible folder.
  3. Unzip the downloaded file and save it to your USB drive.
  4. Make sure when you unzip that the files are not in an extra folder, please refer to the following image:

Ford Download Sync Update To Usb Drive Software

Part 2: Install update

  1. Turn on your vehicle’s engine. Please remove any other USB devices prior to installation and do not insert again until the update is completed.
  2. Insert the USB flash drive into the vehicle’s USB port and update should automatically begin.
  3. SYNC software update will continue for approximately 25-30 minutes.
  4. When the update is finished, an “Installation Is Complete” pop-up will appear on the screen.

Part 3: Confirm your SYNC update

  1. Please log your update in our system to keep your vehicle records up to date.

  2. Enter your VIN and click 'Confirm your update'.
  3. Browse the USB that was used to update your SYNC system and select the XML log file in the 'SyncMyRide' folder.
  4. Update complete!